Who am I? Is anyone interested in what I have to say? What is my role in the blogosphere? Will people read? Will they like me? Do I sound arrogant/off-putting/whiny? The incessant inner monologue almost consumed me at times.
I played with the blogging idea for years before actually committing to it 60 days ago. I wasn’t sure that I had much to say, but then it struck me. I have a passion and I have a story. We started living smarter, demolished our debt, and started saving…which led to really LIVING. I soon realized that over the course of our financial journey, I had gathered so much good information, it wasn’t right to keep it to myself any longer. I knew we weren’t the only ones living a “financed life”. From behind the wheel of a financed car, we drove to our mortgaged-to-the-hilt house, all while wearing clothes we probably bought on credit.
We couldn’t be the only ones, could we? And having come out the other side with a newly found financial security, and a quality of life never before experienced, it was time to share. But…within a few minutes of purchasing www.mySHINYnickels.com, I was already thinking…”I’m committed now. What have I done?”
But I decided to just…start. I began writing. And as the weeks went by, I saw my readership slowly increase. As of this moment, I’ve had over 6,000 page views across 48 different countries. What?!? For a little newborn blogger like me, those numbers surpass my mind’s comprehension. I’ve had many people contact me through the site…asking questions, offering words of support and some telling me that I helped light the fire to get their finances on track. Most are complete strangers, who, through one channel or another, found my blog.
No one knows where this will go, or what will come of it, but I’ve already reaped more benefits than I imagined. Thanks for joining me.
P.S. Don’t forget…if you want to be one of the first to know about a new post, enter your email in the subscription box on the left-hand side. You’ll never be spammed. Pinky swear.
“if you want to be one of the first to know about a new post, put your name and email in the striking blue-green bar at the top of the page.”
You’ve been in my Feedly Reader RSS feeds for quite some time now (along with quite a few other blogs). But no worries – I won’t neglect reading you regularly – I speed read! 🙂
That said, I appreciate the efforts that you take to post interesting stuff in your blog.
Thanks Rob…it’s readers like you that keep this blog engine hummin’. 😉
Don’t stress so much about your bloggin Mrs. Nickels. You’re doing just fine and your articles are really good. I’m sure that the following ones will be even better.
Keep up the good work! 🙂